Welcome to the Glendive Public School District application page for free and reduced price meals for the USDA's National School Lunch & School Breakfast Programs.
You have the option of printing out an application form and bringing it to your schools or filling out the electronic versions. You can also click on the QR Code below to be taken directly to the online application page. If you choose to complete the on-line free and reduced application (FRAPP), you can click on the button below, select your district from the dropdown list, fill out, and submit the application. Click here to view the online User Guide.
If you qualified for Free or Reduced school meals last year, your student will have free or reduced school meals until September 22. Please make sure you have your new application in by then in order to be considered for free or reduced meals this year.
Click on any of the following to access the information:
![Free and Reduced application QR code](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/2149/file/2041144/79c865ce-99c1-4d18-8513-637b875873e1.jpeg)